May Feelings
We pray that the right to life is the first fundamental right; and therefore be recognized and protected in all legislations in the world from the moment of conception. #prayforlife
Madre María pido tu intercesión para defender la Vida, amén ❤🙏🌹
8 Aug 2018
Adriana CLUA
Yo también rezo por las dos vidas.
8 Aug 2018
Francisco Molano Escribano
Recemos por Argentina y también por España, que ya hay partidos que quieren hacer otra ley parecida aquí. ¡Los santos inocentes!
8 Aug 2018
Edgardo A. Moran
8 Aug 2018
leticia lucchetti
Por respetar la voluntad de Dios al crear cada vida. Amen
8 Aug 2018
maria marante
Si a las dos vidas
8 Aug 2018
Lirio Azul
Gracias Señor por haber escuchado nestros ruegos. El Senado argentino acaba de decidir con el voto negativo, el rechazo a la ley de despenalización del aborto, proyecto de ley que ha sido archivado. Alabado por siempre sea alabado tú nombre. Amén. Aleluya
9 Aug 2018
mariannelucia bouronclerodrigo
9 Aug 2018
Marta Ursula Sierocinski
Debemos continuar en oración, porque en Argentina, el próximo año pueden volver a debatir ésta ley. María Madre ayúdanos a salvar las dos vidas.
11 Aug 2018
Omar Gallardo
count with me....everybody should continue praying for all legislations in the world from the moment of conception that Father God instituted always in Holy Name amen!
11 Sep 2018



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Prayer Marathon for Life

This Wednesday, August 8, a bill against life is going to be voted in Argentina, an abortion bill. From May Feelings we invite you to join the marathon for life that already has more than 1,500 people praying without stopping. This August 8th we can stop this law against life. Pray.
On the occasion of this important cause, we want to recall the incredible story of Elina, a pregnant woman diagnosed with cancer that had to face the dilemma of choosing between saving her own life or her baby.

Given the fact that every year more than 40 million abortions are performed, Elina´s history reminds us of the importance and the responsibility that we have to protect, from any field, the right to life, especially that of the unborn.

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